Moms, Mystics, and Real-World Faith
The call to follow Christ must work for busy mothers as well as secluded mystics. The easy yoke that Jesus promises must apply in normal life if it is to be of any use at all. Mother of seven, Charity Lehman, extends a beautiful word of encouragement to anyone who has despaired of encountering peace in the chaos of the everyday.
In the Hands of the Master Workman
Christ was to be the firstborn among many brethren, and His brethren were to be like Him. All the discipline and training of our lives is with this end in view; and God has implanted in every human heart a longing…
Cowards Made Courageous
What transformed those first disciples of Jesus from average men and women, beset by worry, weakness, and sin, into courageous pillars of the faith and agents of change in a totalitarian world?
An Encouraging Word for Disenchanted Christians
If you have been disappointed by your experience in Christianity, there is one root problem and a corresponding simple solution.
Mystical Union in Work & Rest
Anxiety and stress are often the result of striving in our own strength. In this short but powerful article, French Christian mystic, Madame Jeanne Guyon, offers the simple key to experiencing enduring peace and abundant life.
False Teachers & John’s Last Words
A brief and fascinating glimpse into the beginning years of the early church, the very first heretics, and timeless words of wisdom from the Apostle John.
A Portait of Barabbas
What does atonement feel like? Here is an imaginative glimpse at John 18:40 — the moment when Barabbas was set free.
To The Countenance of the Lord Jesus
“What is your only comfort in life and death?” This hymn is a profound meditation on Christ’s torture and death, and its glorious implications for our own mortality.
Drink Deep from the Light
Is deep, consistent joy, regardless of circumstance, really possible for the average Christian? Andrew Murray answers with a resounding “yes,” imparting simple, practical guidance for everyday believers.
Emmaus and the Lesson of the Resurrection
Imagine walking with that mysterious Stranger on the road to Emmaus. This insightful selection captures the power of that journey and the potent, every-day truth of Jesus’ resurrection.
Natural Affection in the New Creature
Hymnwriter, Anna Laetitia Waring offers a poem to guide the reader into deeper surrender to Christ and greater fruitfulness for His Kingdom.
A Letter from 176 A.D.
An ancient letter that offers fascinating and convicting insight into how the early church responded to government, persecution, and the words of Jesus.
God of the Table
In this meditation on Revelation 3:20, pastor and author, J. Delton Lehman offers a good word on the hospitality of God and his unceasing invitation to each of us.
Gifts of the Spirit & the Hidden Secret of the Early Church
What was the secret behind the power of the first century church? This article delves into the mystery of their fellowship and the source of their unique ability.
How to Defeat Temptation
Temptation masquerades as a fearsome giant, making victory feel hopeless. But Hannah Whitall Smith shares practical, biblical guidance for consistent victory.
The Church Has Overlooked This Key Doctrine
This teaching was an essential component to the Apostles’ theology, yet the modern Western church tends to gloss over it. What have we missed in our failure to grasp this core element of the gospel?
The Early Church and the Triune God
What is Christianity? Beyond merely obeying Jesus’ teachings, the early church rightly saw discipleship as much more. As evidenced in the book of Acts, the first believers lived in a daily awareness of their direct, supernatural relation to every Member of the Trinity.
As the World Crumbles
Some days, it feels like the world is falling apart. In this article, 19th Century Christian literary prophet, G. K. Chesterton offers a hopeful perspective: a glimpse into the eternal power of true Christianity — the faith that endures after every civilization has collapsed and every detractor has gone to the grave.
Judas, Peter, Jesus, & Choice
Nowhere did the conduct of Jesus leave its beholders indifferent,—nowhere did it fail to produce a powerful impression. His Person produced upon all with whom He came in contact, the effect of compelling a moral decision…
The Sacred Key to Soul Care
The cause of our being so unsuccessful in reforming mankind… is our beginning with external matters; all our labours in this field do but produce such fruit as endures not: but if the key of the interior be first given, the exterior would be naturally and easily reformed…