Miracles and the Miraculous One
Being conscious of possessing [miraculous power] in consequence of his immediate communion with God, he was not afraid to convey it to everyone who, like him, lives in the will of God. This trait makes clear anew the difference between the Messiahship and the miraculous power of Jesus…
Take the Lord with You
Singer songwriter, Josh Garrels offers a good word on inviting God into our work — not to provide a token blessing, but as a recognition that He is the Source and Joy of our abilities.
What Jesus Was Hiding
The tremendous figure which fills the Gospels… restrained something. I say it with reverence; there was in that shattering personality a thread that must be called shyness. There was something that He hid from all men…
The Advocate’s Invitation
Shall He be your Advocate or shall He not? Suppose He stood before you, and in His hand the book of life with a pen dipped in the very light of heaven, and should ask, “Who of you will now consent to make Me your Advocate?” Suppose He should inquire of you, sinner…
A Prayer for Deep Confession
Thou callest me to Thyself, who have gone far from Thee. Thou drawest me to Thee, who still refuse to come. Thou openest Thine arms to receive me, before I reach Thee. Thou bowest down Thy Head to give me the kiss of peace, who am still all unworthy and unclean…
Peter and John Remember the Resurrection
“What was it like,” the little girl asks, unhesitantly, “when you actually figured out Jesus was gone; alive?” Peter and John glance over at each other, uncertainly…
The Ascension
The calm simplicity of the account of the Ascension is remarkable. So great an event told in such few, unimpassioned words…
The Theif’s Example
“Lord, remember me.” I know not that, since the creation of the world, there ever was a more remarkable and striking example of faith…
Haunted by the Speaking Voice
Everyone of us has had experiences which we have not been able to explain: a sudden sense of loneliness, or a feeling of wonder or awe in the face of the universal vastness…
Unfollow Every Other Voice
This Voice carries the story forward, calling Abraham, speaking to Moses from a burning bush and on top of Mt. Sinai, and shouting through the prophets, until the Word became flesh in Galilee. That same Voice closes the Scripture account with, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…
Profile of the Messiah
If he had it in his heart to be a king, and he certainly had, it was to be a king not of bodies, but of souls; if he aspired to reign, it was to reign not over men, but in them, in their judgments, affections, and consciences.
A Glimpse of the Healing at Bethesda
At the pool’s edge, Jesus carefully steps over the bodies and bent limbs sprawled along the tiles; he crosses in and out of the stripes of afternoon sun and shade. Stopping, he stoops down next to “the old one”—a man in the business of lying next to the pool for nearly four decades…
Christ the Companion
When I've thrown my books aside, being petulant and weary, / And have turned down the gas, and the firelight has sufficed, / When my brain's too stiff for prayer, and too indolent for theory, / Will You come and play with me, big Brother Christ?
Surrender Equals Success
Were Christ to call a king from his throne to preach the gospel to some tribe of aborigines, that king would be elevated above anything he had known before. Any movement toward Christ is ascent, and any direction away from Him is down. Yet…
Live Without Fear
The tremendous risk which it would involve, and the great power it would require, would render it ridiculous for God to send a poor lone Hebrew to confront the mightiest king in all the world, and then leave him to himself.
The Purpose of the Spirit’s Coming
The clearest teaching on the place and purpose of the Holy Spirit’s coming is found in our Lord’s last discourses with His disciples prior to His death…
When Jesus Visits You
For our Lord to visit us is something more than for us to have the assurance of our salvation, though that is very delightful, and none of us should rest satisfied unless we possess it. To know that Jesus loves me, is one thing; but to be visited by Him in love…
Rest for Your Soul
Now, rest for the labouring and heavy-laden is one of the chief promises which the Word of God offers to man, both in the Old Testament and the New. “Come to me,” says the world, “and I will give you riches and pleasure.” “Come with me,” says the devil, “and I will give you greatness, power, and wisdom.” “ Come unto Me,” says the Lord Jesus Christ…
The Valley of Weeping
The blessing of the Lord is for those who, with hearts set on pilgrimage, travel with Him through the Valley of Weeping. If you want to live with the joy, peace, and bounty of the Kingdom of God, go with King Jesus into…
The Greatest Wisdom
Men have a great deal of pleasure in human knowledge, in studies of natural things; but this is nothing to that joy which arises from this divine light shining into the soul…