Don’t Trust Your Doubts
The disciples didn’t believe it, thinking Jesus was somehow a ghost. Just hours earlier, Jesus created a banquet from breadcrumbs, miraculously feeding 5,000 people. Still, their faith was weak. They refused to believe because “their hearts were hardened” (Mark 6:52)…

The Legs of a Man
Endurance Athlete Kilian Jornet rockets up alpine peaks so fast that his times make even professional mountaineers look like the junior varsity. A skyrunner, he bounds up thousands of high-altitude vertical in the mountains like a galloping gazelle

Everything That Hinders
I gasped for breath as I ascended the steep mountain slope on skis. Somehow, I strode in front of the pack of racers. In the sport of skimo, weight is a critical component. Because most of the race is spent ascending, racers fuss over every ounce, seeking the lightest boots, bindings and skis. Even carrying too much water can slow one down…

A Nameless Boy
Multiplication is a key biblical principle. In the parable of the sower, the seed grew hundred-fold. So often, God uses humble means to reap a great harvest…

Bet You Can’t Light a Fire…
It was my turn to build a fire, but the November dampness of eastern Washington quickly snuffed out my flicker of flames. Even gasoline-soaked cotton balls couldn’t ignite the rain-soaked twigs and tinder. Meanwhile, a fellow student sparked a fire which quickly raged knee-high…

Scum of the Earth
A countercultural lifestyle often happens when people believe in something so strongly that they reject the established norms and choose to live differently than people around them…

Thriving Trees
Scripture talks a lot about sturdy trees, especially olive trees. Olive trees often grow in adverse conditions, desert climates where water is scarce. They produce olive oil, which provides food, light and healing. They also live long lives—up to 1,000 years! As Christians…

Betrayal on the Mountain
On their mountain descent, Yates cut Simpson’s rope, leaving him to plummet to the bottom of the gorge. The story that followed was simply unbelievable…

The Master Angler
Honestly, I often get frustrated when it comes to talking to others about Jesus—it’s too hard, takes too much patience and I wish I could see more “results”…

The Truest Grit
I remember looking out into the inky void, wondering if we had made a wise decision…

Prowling Lions
What do mountain lion attacks have to do with Christian community and following Jesus? Chris Lawrence discusses here.

Called to the Wild
As an outdoor guide and cancer survivor, Christopher Lawrence has a unique perspective on trust. He offers here a strong reminder of the life that comes with true faith.

Searching for the Good Life
In the the minutia of the everyday, it can be difficult to feel as though our lives are pointing towards a single goal. But the trajectory of our lives is inevitably a product of our daily priorities. So, what is your greatest priority, as revealed by your day-to-day lifestyle? Christopher Lawrence invites you to “zoom out,” look at your daily pursuits, and examine whether you are on a path towards Abundant Life.

Hiking and Prayer Disciplines
Prayer can feel mysterious. What is the purpose of prayer? How is it supposed to feel when we pray? How do we know if we’re doing it right? Inspired by his hiking adventures, outdoorsman and author, Christopher Lawrence, offers insight on prayer that is at once simple and profound.