Bet You Can’t Light a Fire…
The following article has been excerpted from Called to the Wild by Christopher Lawrence.
“It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate
will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.”
-John 16:7
It was my turn to build a fire, but the November dampness of eastern Washington quickly snuffed out my flicker of flames.
Even gasoline-soaked cotton balls couldn’t ignite the rain-soaked twigs and tinder.
Meanwhile, a fellow student sparked a fire which quickly raged knee-high. His years of service with the Boy Scouts made him a pyro ace; his little bonfire seemed to require as much effort as buttering his morning toast.
Growing up, I was no Boy Scout. Most of my fire lighting happened in dry places like Colorado. Just slap some sticks together and presto, fire!
Lighting a fire in wet or windy conditions requires a strategic arrangement of both twigs and tinder. I earned a marginal score on this guide school test and later asked my friend for help. We built several steadily burning fires. Even amidst a pouring rain, the fire crackled on. With his guidance, I accomplished what seemed impossible on my own.
The same could be said of the Holy Spirit’s work in the life of every believer. As we set out to live the Christian life, we quickly find that we cannot live a life that pleases God. Trying to avoid sin and doing good works for God’s Kingdom in our own strength can prove as frustrating as my attempts to build a fire.
Our own efforts may seem to produce sparks or a few embers, but they can’t create lasting heat or significance. As Jesus said, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
That is why Jesus encouraged the disciples to anticipate the Holy Spirit’s help.
The word “advocate” in John 16:7 refers to someone who helps us and counsels us. We need his help more than we realize. Like the frontiersmen who needed to start a fire in subzero Alaska, we live in a world desperate for God’s presence.
Picture the protagonist of Jack London’s short story, To Build a Fire, who will not survive the night unless he can make a fire, even against wind and temperatures of fifty degrees below zero.
In the same way, we depend upon the Holy Spirit to be the spark and power source in us and through us, helping thaw the frozen ground of human hearts, so that one day, many will circle around the comforting bonfire of his love. For this fire is not just for us, but for others.
So, let us look to the Holy Spirit for help, so we can do the work that was once impossible on our own: lighting fires for God’s glory that advance the work of his Kingdom.
How well do you rely upon the Holy Spirit’s promised help for guidance each day?
Lord, I confess that I don’t rely on your Holy Spirit as I should. Help me to trust you and learn how to depend on you. Please accomplish work in and through my life that I could never achieve on my own. Amen.
From one Adventurer to Another
Called to the Wild is a 40-day journey filled with thrilling adventure stories and poignant Biblical meditations, through which outdoor guide and Cru campus minister, Chris Lawrence, helps readers overcome fear and self-doubt by learning to follow Jesus as their trustworthy Guide through life’s every adventure.