Breathe Upon Us

Arranged/Performed by Light Book

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Breathe upon us, Lord, from Heaven,
Fill us with the Holy Ghost;
Promise of the Father given,
Send us now a Pentecost. 

Breathe upon us, breathe upon us,
With Thy love our hearts inspire;
Breathe upon us, breathe upon us,
Lord, baptize us now with fire. 

While the Spirit hovers o’er us,
Open all our hearts, we pray;
To Thine image, Lord, restore us,
Witness in our souls today.


Lift us, Lord, oh, lift us higher,
From the carnal mind set free;
Fill us with refining fire,
Give us perfect liberty.


β€” Russell Kelso Carter, 1891

Russel Kelso Carter

Russel Kelso Carter was an American Christian minister, professor, and songwriter. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, he attended the Pennsylvania Military Academy, graduating in 1867 with a degree in Civil Engineering. After graduating he became a teacher of Science and Chemistry at the academy until 1872.


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