The Mission of Sea Harp Press

Larry Sparks, Publisher of Destiny Image, interviews Eugene Luning, co-founder of Sea Harp Press. They discuss classic Christian authors like Charles Spurgeon, A. W. Tozer, Andrew Murray, and George MacDonald, as well as the origin story of Sea Harp Press.

At Sea Harp Press, we are devoted to pointing our readers to encounter Jesus daily, live like the early church, and deepen their faith.

Sea Harp Press

Sea Harp is a specialty press with one overarching aim: in the words of Andrew Murray, to “be much occupied with Jesus, and believe much in Him, as the True Vine.” We desire to reinvigorate the Church’s reading of the best of the past, to bring out fresh editions of both today’s and tomorrow’s classics, all for the purpose of personal encounter with Jesus Himself.


What Happens When the Church Scatters?


The Death of Mechanical Religion