Enjoying Jesus?
“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”
— John 15:11
Dear Pastor,
Are you enjoying Jesus and His Church?
I hear a lot of talk about the weight of leadership. We are told that being a pastor is a lonely place. You are the front line, the tip of the spear, the head of the organization. We are told that this is a cross we must bear. It is the sacrifice required for the sake of the Kingdom.
Some bear the weight begrudgingly, wondering why it has to be this way. Others embrace this experience, wearing it like a badge of honor, as a key article in the costume of their identity.
But is this how our Savior described following Him?
Is this a good description of the ministry of the One we are called to follow?
When sharing His final thoughts with the men that would lay the foundations of the Church, Jesus talked not of weighty leadership or lonely caregiving, He spoke of JOY! Joy that is IN them! Joy that is FULL — “filled to capacity!”
Imagine having so much joy as you minister that there is no room for any more; one more drop and you would burst! Is that how you describe working with Jesus?
Jesus called us to bear fruit. Right? So we start looking at our fruit: How are we going to get people saved? How are we going to get them to obey Jesus? How are we going to fund this mission? How are we going to impact our culture, city, and nation?
“Focus on the fruit of your ministry and you will drain your joy.”
Here lies our drudgery. Jesus said we would bear fruit, but He never told us to focus on it. Focus on the fruit of your ministry and you will drain your joy. You’ll kill your joy with either pride or with despair, depending on how the fruit is shaping up.
Fruit is to be inspected, but not focused on.
What did He say to focus on? Him. His love. Abiding. Obeying.
“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.
“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you…”
Friend, take your eyes off the fruit of your ministry. Frankly, you cannot control it. What can you control? Enjoying Jesus by receiving His love and obeying His voice. Let’s get back to that. The fruit will come. And so will the joy.
Grace and peace,