Sea Harp

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Moms, Mystics, and Real-World Faith

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30

Come to Me,” our Savior says.  

Come to Me,” our Creator beckons. 

This call is for everyone: the mother and the mystic; the shepherd and the sheep, all who labor, all who are heavy laden, burdened, and weary. 

We often feel that the call to deep Christianity is a call meant for those with callings and careers leaning towards spirituality. The pastors. The seminary students. 

But, beautiful child of His, these words are spoken to you. The busy mom of many. The man working multiple jobs just to make it. 

To the once-blind beggar and the Pharisees who are struggling to see, Christ’s words ring out: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” To the rowdy, untrained fishermen, He says, “Follow Me.” Both to the woman at the well and the man among the tombs, His mandate rings out, “I want you to testify of me.” 

You see, the call to come, and the promise of the abundant life, is for each of us, for you and I, every moment, every day. Yet so often we allow our weariness and burdens to drive us away from God, to build distrust between ourselves and our Father. We allow a sense of our unworthiness, our lack of qualifications, to keep us from the only one who can call us by our true name. 

“Come to me,” Christ says. “I will give you rest.” You who labor. You who are heavy laden. The call to come into His presence is a call specifically for you in the midst of your normal life.

Pause for a moment. Have you believed the lie that a vibrant relationship with Christ was for a time down the road when your circumstances were different? Have you believed that His ears were tuned to the spiritual, those with slow-paced lives and a churchward focus?

Let this verse free you. Jesus is asking the weary and heavy laden to come to Him because He wants to give you rest. He wants to offer you an abundant life. He wants you to learn from Him as you are, where you are, carrying only the burdens He gives you, this gentle, lowly master. 

Come. Come to Christ. Turn your face towards Him. Run to Him. Cast your cares upon Him. He is gently and lowly, and you, yes, YOU, will find rest for your soul.

The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price. Revelation 22:17

A Final Thought

What is the conversation you need to have with Christ? Talk to Him about the lies you have believed. Then, take some time to simply be still with Christ. He offers you a place to go when you are weary – His presence. It is you to whom He is calling today. Come.