How to Have Peace in Every Circumstance
This article has been excerpted from Set my Heart Ablaze by A. W. Tozer.
Let a man set his heart only on doing the will of God and he is instantly free.
No one can hinder him. If we understand our first and sole duty to consist of loving God supremely and loving everyone, even our enemies, for God’s dear sake, then we can enjoy spiritual tranquility under every circumstance; or if tribulations harrow our souls, still we can rest in the deep assurance that we are doing the will of God and that He is accepting our very sufferings as a sweet sacrifice, well pleasing in His sight…
The essence of spiritual worship is to love supremely, to trust confidently, to pray without ceasing and to seek to be Christ like and holy and to do all the good we can for Christ’s sake. How impossible for anyone to hinder that kind of “practice.” As soon as our normal church-going religion is interdicted by government decree or made for the time impossible by circumstances we can retire to the sanctuary of our own hearts and worship God acceptably till He sees fit to change the circumstances and allow us to resume the outward practice of our faith. But the fire has not gone out on the altar of our heart in the meantime and we have learned the sweet secret of submission and trust, a lesson we could not have learned any other way.
“The essence of spiritual worship is to love supremely, to trust confidently, to pray without ceasing and to seek to be Christ like and holy and to do all the good we can for Christ’s sake. How impossible for anyone to hinder that kind of ‘practice.’”
Who is someone in your life that is difficult to love? Why?
Write out Tozer’s definition of “spiritual worship” below.
What are the actions from that list most natural and most difficult for you?
More Than a Devotional
Set My Heart Ablaze contains no trite questions, and draws out more than shallow replies. Through penetrating prompts and profound writings from renowned Bible teacher, A.W. Tozer, this journal will push your limits, launching you on a relentless pursuit after the fiery heart of God.